Posts Tagged ‘eyeliner’

Push liner brushes – how did we cope without them.

A push liner brush is a brush that has a square brush head and very stiff bristles. Just like the one below with the cream coloured handle. It is the perfect choice of all your makeup brushes to put on a liner colour.


The idea of these brushes is to push dark colour into the very base of the lash, creating what looks like a very thick lash line. It is also a perfect way to create a straight line at the base of your lashes without having to draw a thick harsh line.

I use mine with a Bobbie Brown liner colour. That would be the very darkest colour from this palette here.


Or I use it with a Laura Geller chocolate colour baked shade, as this give a more subtle look and is perfect for smoking out with a smudge brush like the one picture here.


I am a huge fan of push liner brushes and have purchased around three or four identical ones so that I create either a strong lash line or smoke it out with a smudge brush like this this fabulous No 7 brush Smokey Eyeliner brush from Boots.

Liz Earle Lipstick – Azalea

I bought this lipstick shade last year in Leeds in one of the Liz Earle Stores. I bought it along with another shade Rosewood. The Rosewood lipstick I initially found more wearable, however yesterday I decided to go for a completely different make-up look and the Liz Earle Azalea shade seemed to fit the bill.


The initial problem for me with the Azalea lipstick was that it seemed to have pinky undertones and that just did not fit in with the more coral warm shades that I seem to favour. I am blonde and blue eyed with a fairish skin tone, and the Azalea lipstick just didn’t sit right. But yesterday when I was wearing teal, the bluish undertones in the lipstick just seemed to pop. So I highly recommend it if you are going to be wearing blues.

The other product I wore was an Avon Khol eyeliner in cobalt blue. I would have been better off with a teal eyeliner shade, ( which I have in another product line, ) but at the time I forgot all about it. I love Avon products, but I hate, the way they sell them. I love the old Avon, the one of the fifties, sixties and early seventies. But the way they treat reps today, well, I just don’t agree with it. Wouldn’t it be great to have the old Avon lady back; the one that sat in your living room and opened her cosmetics box and brought out a tonne of lipstick shades to try? Those were magical days.


Well I digress. So Azalea lipstick from Liz Earle, it’s a winner when worn with the right colour. If you have dark hair I think it would look great without the additional worry of wearing blue tones. But for very fair blondes, make sure you wear it with the right blue.